“The Basics" websites, articles and videos
"Technique Improvement" articles and videos
- Picture with labeled shell and equipment -https://www.adirondackrowing.com/shell-lingo/
- A short animated overview of the sculling stroke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpZbV8LyT_c
- This stick figure video gives a very clear idea of the order and parts of the stroke and how each part is separated from the other https://youtu.be/F7rqIPcR6NA
- An excellent lesson on sculling grip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A7_79gMtIc
- Another good video about the grip https://youtu.be/yuFBv55xRVo
- How to set up your boat https://youtu.be/9lu1PGJK3gM
- Three ways to enter the boat https://youtu.be/5HFJFwK7Z1c
- How to recover after flipping (article with video link) https://www.row2k.com/features/5516/Technique-Feature--How-to-Get-Back-in-the-Flipping-Boat/
- Basic Rigging - https://www.row2k.com/features/380/Rowing-101---Basic-Rigging/
- Resources for rowers interested in improving performance, achieving better technique, and reducing risk of common rowing injuries. https://rowingstronger.com/
- Excellent video on preventing injuries due to technique problems https://www.decentrowing.com/410-rowing-technique-problems-which-cause-injuries.html
- Everything Erg - links to technique videos and Workouts of the Day - https://www.concept2.com/indoor-rowers/training
"Technique Improvement" articles and videos
- Common mistakes and how to fix them - https://www.row2k.com/features/2474/Technique-Feature--Common-Mistakes-and-How-to-Fix-Them/
- Lifting Your Body at the Catch and How to Avoid It https://www.row2k.com/features/5141/The-Year-of-the-Single-Continues--Lifting-Your-Body-At-The-Catch-and-How-to-Avoid-It/
- Rowing Technique guide from British Rowing with photos of phases of the stroke and and common errors https://www.britishrowing.org/knowledge/rower-development/british-rowing-technique/water-rowing-technique/
- Screening exercises to help identify movement limitations that need to be addressed on land to help you perform better in the boat https://www.row2k.com/features/5323/functional-movement-screening-for-masters-rowers/
- Rowing Stronger - Demonstrations of exercises in Will Ruth's training programs, instructional videos for strength training methods and concepts, and recordings of presentations/webinars from prior events. https://www.youtube.com/@RowingStronge
- Decent Rowing - Australian site with training programs to technique and everything in between. https://www.youtube.com/c/decentrowingdotcom/videos
- Aram Training - Detailed analysis of videos of rowers of all levels. The analysis explains the issues and offers ways to correct faults. https://www.youtube.com/c/AramTraining/videos
- Rowing Chat - many great videos, first focus on the playlist of the Faster Masters Rowing Radio. You can click on the SHOW MORE for the content description and a detailed list of topics and time stamps will appear. This helps you decide if the video will cover a topic of interest to you. https://www.youtube.com/user/UKRowperfect/playlists
- Rowing with Calm Waters - hosted by Charlotte Hollings and John Dunn who run a rowing camp in Virginia. Great for review of the basics. https://www.youtube.com/user/rowingwithcalmwaters/videos
- Mike Davenport - This channel is dedicated to helping you get more from your rowing equipment, and your rowing. https://www.youtube.com/c/MikeDavenport/videos